Whats happening in East Timor?
You may recall our last team visited Timor Leste in September last year. Our hope was that another team would visit in January but there was a combination of circumstances for Pro Ema and EmpowerAid volunteers that prevented that. In the meantime, 6 of our students have received student internships in local salons and others are practising their training in the Pro Ema Training salon or homes. Read on for more detail of where things are at
Timor Leste is in a politically difficult situation at the moment and it is a difficult environment for local business owners and NGO's. We continue to communicate with those who we have connected with and were hoping to send a team in April.
Unfortunately, the global concerns around travel related to the corona virus have led the EmpowerAid Board to make the difficult decision to postpone any travel to East Timor at this time. We will now work hard in an endeavour to deliver training to these eager students via a digital platform so they can continue to increase their skills. We will let you know how it went in the next newsletter!