And Then There Were Eight….
Some reflections from Jennifer Quartermaine on her recent trip to Bangladesh in September, accompanied by Adele Nesci and Debra Robinson.
What a pleasure it was to spend time at both the Training College and the Parlour just a few short weeks ago.
Sitting at the staff meeting with our team leader, the four trainers and the three-Parlour staff, I felt impacted by their maturity, their self-confidence, and the questions, generated by our team of eight.
It occurred to me, as we were seated across the meeting table, that our four trainers, (our first students in 2008), and Nahida, our team leader were looking decidedly mature, with three of them wearing glasses.
Even the Parlour staff , who I have know for between 2-4 years were comfortable in their own skin, with all present looking like professional business women.
What a blessing to have such a committed local team who are role modelling to women both young and old, what is actually possible in the rural districts of a developing nation.